From Heaven, to Hollywood, to Households:
As I sit to write this blog as a Sunlighten enthusiast and long time user, I’m realizing WHY I love my Sunlighten saunas so much. I have spent the last 20 years of my career helping others with their Fascia–– the largely misunderstood system of the body that most people generally know as “connective tissue”. I wanted to know about fascia because I was born with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and then suffered a near death experience in my late twenties with a deadly bone infection- think bone cancer meats Mad-Cow. It was not pretty, and left me debilitated for some time. I needed solutions just to feel normal, most of which didn’t exist yet. Saunas had been a part of my concocted self-care since childhood, when I would read what athletes did for body care in Sports Illustrated magazines in the 1970’s! (dating myself here but that’s OK). I didn’t realize how significant the benefits would be until much later.
After years of disappointment with the traditional medical system failing my body, I studied Eastern methods and took a deep-dive into STUDYING FASCIA! The research led to experimentation, inventing many products and modalities and “accidentally” plopped me into becoming the leading authority on treating types of things with my unconventional fascia methods. Saunas were a big part of the method, as the fascia is more receptive to treatment, when it is warm, pliable and being penetrated by near infrared light. And Sunlighten infrared saunas penetrate 3mm into the body... RIGHT INTO THE FASCIA!
In the early part of my career, I worked on top pro athletes in every major sport in the United States. I then was called to Hollywood to help improve the health of celebrities.
Ashley Black TEDx talk
They all seem to have the “secret health hookups”: the latest health technology, the unattainable specialists and all the health bells and whistles you could imagine. Money is no object and they can afford to have access to whatever they want! The two common threads of this group of people… FASCIABLASTING and SAUNAS! The FasciaBlasters hit the internet for the general market with a boom, and have been in over a million households since!
How FasciaBlasting Work?
Easy as a loofah

Many of the benefits of Sunlighten saunas have to do with releasing toxins so they don’t get trapped in the tissue (aka the FASCIA), while at the same time, increasing blood flow. A simple, yet incredibly effective concept–– bye-bye toxins, pump that blood throughout the body
One problem: the lymphatic system that helps to filter toxins out of the body, and the blood system that carries nutrients to the cells, are all housed inside the fascia. If the fascia is tight or has restrictions, then the toxins moving out and the blood pumping through might need a little assistance to be more effective. The FasciaBlaster acts like a brush or a broom to our tissue, assisting in the process by helping to temporarily increase local blood flow, which is the PERFECT companion for the sauna. The sauna and FasciaBlasting are working with the same goals in mind… but most effective when used together. Simply use the FasciaBlaster step by step guide tools on bare skin with oil, and scrub your body like you would with a loofah. If you’re already sweaty and naked, might as well get the CRAZY benefits of FasciaBlasting.
It’s Not Snake Oil It’s Science
Proven Results
If you’re not familiar with the FasciaBlaster tools that were made famous by their effect on cellulite debunked forever, let me give you a quick introduction to what they really do. In this pic we take a peek inside of a leg. Fascia is EVERYWHERE, covering and penetrating ALL of our muscles, as shown in the diagram. The fascia also covers and penetrates our organs and even our brains! A source of pain can come from tissue damage, which can then set off a chain reaction of inflammation, stiffness, atrophy due to lack of mobility and so on. The tissue could have micro trauma, or more severe damage as the image shows. Some people have slight tissue damage all over, some have scar tissue in one spot, and some are just experiencing “normal aging”.

Our study shows evidence of the fascia’s ability to remodel. What%$#@! Yep! Read on and I will prove it to ya! The FasciaBlaster tools work by combing through the layers fascia as seen in this animation.
FasciaBlaster Animation
I invested in my first Sunlighten about a decade ago, and I could rave about the personal benefits, but you already are experiencing them! Having invented the FasciaBlaster tools, (which are also FDA Class I registered medical devices,) I understand the need for science to support what you say about your products. While doing an in-depth look at Sunlighten’s science for this blog, I was awestruck by the peer reviewed and published research that back the benefits of their saunas. I read a lot of scientific jargon, which the nerd in me loves! It’s that part of my personality that drove me to push for peer reviewed and published research {2} to be carried out on the FasciaBlaster tools. After the hundreds of thousands of testimonies we were receiving from our customers, we knew something very special was happening, and I wanted to have the science to back it up!

Fascia is primarily made up of collagen, so it’s so amazing to see it REMODELED in the after pic. Remember, I said that pain and stiffness can come from tissue damage? Well check out this ultrasound image. This is the tissue of the leg, before and after 90 days of FasciaBlasting. Saunas were also incorporated in the protocols. The white stuff is the fascia. You may have heard things like “thickening of the tissue”, “losing elasticity of tissue”, “adhesions”, “follicle”, “scar tissue”, “fibrosis”, “fascial septae”, or other mystery words for fascia, but these can all be REFERENCES TO FASCIA. I got met with resistance and naysayers when I first started rubbing my body all over the internet with this crazy plastic stick and got other people to! Understandable, it’s a little weird when you’re new to it. But when the mind-blowing scientific results were revealed, that all changed. Remodeling tissue is what everyone in all health fields is trying to achieve, and the answer is just so simple… Blast. I blast INSIDE my Sunlighten sauna, and so do thousands of my customers! In fact, I’m such a believer, that I shoot ads and videos for my users as I’m blasting away inside my sauna! This video walks you through a special offer I put together just for Sunlighten Customers at a HUGE savings! Shhhh- insiders sale!
You will get all the tools shown in this video:
MasterBlaster for surface tissue all over your body
Original FasciaBlaster for deep massage of your legs and back
FaceBlaster for the face and small areas like knees, hands and feet
Mini1 for harder to reach smaller areas like arms and ribs
Mini2 for single handed use, great for ITBands and glutes
Blaster Oil and AfterBlaster recovery cream samples

Very Special Offer $139 $239.00
Beginner Kit contains:
- FasciaBlaster
- Ashley Black's Kryopack Spot
- FaceBlaster
- Nugget
- Roller oil
And I’m going to throw in my #1 National Best Selling Book FOR FREE, so you can learn all about fascia and change your health trajectory forever!
I am genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, so thrilled to introduce the combination of FasciaBlasting and Sunlighten to this audience! I am a user, a believer and an advocate for all of us to prevent discomfort, and have all of the beauty and health benefits we can get in all natural ways!