Our founder,
Ashley Black,
explains that the
ProNugget is for
Beginners and
Advanced users.
40% off Special

Hear our real
users explain their
experience with
the ProNugget
The ProNugget Functions Differently

“I uncovered a lot of layers that I hadn't been able to get to.”
#BlasterSister Shannon

“I think it's a premium tool. It's definitely my new favorite..”
#BlasterSister Candyce

“I believe it's going to
be a game-changer,”
#BlasterSister Amanda

“I am so grateful for Ashley Black creating this tool; it's amazing!”
#BlasterSister Danphne

“This is my number one blaster now. Just love it.”
#BlasterSister Sheila

“I felt stuff that I just could not feel with regular claws alone.”
#Blastersister Renee

“It's like it's just bringing the tissue alive and into the deeper layers.”
#BlasterSister Ebony

“After being a Blaster sister since 2016, this was definitely helping me get through a plateau,”
#BlasterSister Timberley

From our Founder
and Inventor
“When I originally designed the Pronugget, my thought was to be able to nugget a larger area- faster. But once I got the prototypes, I realized that the blasting technique was epic. It felt like a raging river of blood was unleashed. I think no matter what tools you already have, you’re going to want this for your arsenal; it’s just different.”
40% off Pronugget