The Cellulite Easy Start Kit
The Cellulite Easy Start Kit
The Cellulite Easy Start Kit
Special Price:
You can buy this product in 4 installments with
Mini 2 - For deep muscular and trigger point massage
Mini Paddle - Easy to hold small claws for surface dents and a flusher for moving fluids and for scanning the tissue.
Wrap Kryo Pack - For soothing Kryotherapy.
Fine Line Eraser - For lip lines and plumping
Cellulite Myth Book - Our #1 National Best Seller Fascia Bible
We’re fast 💨, but not Prime.
Please give us a couple of days to process your order and we will get it out the door as soon as we can.
Please give us a couple of days to process your order and we will get it out the door as soon as we can.