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"Fascia is one of those wellness buzzwords that’s been kicking around for a while. What is it, and why do we need to know about it?"
The FasciaBlaster ($89), for example, is a self-treatment tool first developed for professional athletes that’s now being embraced by wellness enthusiasts.
"FasciaBlaster - I am officially obsessed with Ashley Black (the founder). I use the FassciaBlaster for pain management and to tighten skin."
"Black’s manual treatments are in hot demand among professional athletes, business titans, and celebrities. But it was her desire to help the rest of us that led her to invent the FasciaBlaster - and if her legions of loyal followers (nearly a million on Facebook alone) are any indication, she’s onto something."
“Black recently released a free app stocked with fascia yoga tutorial videos so anyone with the FasciaYoga Ball at home can tend to their body’s needs”
A path to a pain-free life through connective tissue in the body called fascia. Dr. Natalie Azar joins TODAY to demonstrate a new tool called the FasciaBlaster.
If you feel pain and want to make sure you're taking care of your fascia, then it's definitely not a bad idea to give these releasing techniques a try.
"Black developed a fusion of manual tissue therapy, internal stretching, body mechanics, and core activation techniques to bring a holistic approach to wellness, sports performance, and recovery."
"Tips From The Top: One On One With Ashley Black. I spoke to Ashley Black, inventor of the FasciaBlaster, about her best advice"
This Beauty Tool Has A 50,000-Person Wait List! With a wait list that long, she must be on to something. Find out how you can (eventually) get your hands on one here.
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"THANK YOU @ashleyblackguru for attacking my fascia today. Painful but feel my body untwisting. Im yours "
"Getting the Ashley treatment and it hurts so good!! @ashleyblackguru #faciablaster"
“The FasciaBlaster makes my legs function better! I can feel the difference with one use!! @ashleyblackguru”
Thanks for the care package @ashleyblackguru! We can't wait to blast our fascia! Congrats on the book and all your success. #FasciaBlaster
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